I had an epiphany last night as I finished another chapter in the NaNo
disaster challenge. Just at the edge of 30K, I counted the remaining days, figured my word counts...and came to the realization that unless I lock myself into a bank vault and don't come out until Thanksgiving, I'm not going to make it to 50K by November 30th.
What threw me into a tailspin of
no way and
you gotta be kidding me, was losing Monday and most of Tuesday to errands and appointments and dog issues requiring going to the vet (twice) and grocery shopping and dog walking and champagne/dark chocolate hair stuff and wrapping/winterizing the outside spigots because temps were dropping below freezing and changing furnace filters and washing windows and cleaning gutters. And, and, and. You get the picture: life is getting in the way of accomplishing my goals.
I haven't given up, yet, though my level of enthusiasm has plummeted. Kind of hard to stay motivated when it seems pointless. Thing is, the writing is going really good and I love the characters, the plot. It's just trying to force myself toward that nebulous 50K that's become the issue.
Ozzy, my wee Papillon, has to take six different meds for his heart condition--and the side effects from the heart meds. Monday I needed to get one refilled. I call in the prescription, the office person tells me it's a special order because they don't carry this medication--which I dispute because they filled this very prescription in June. Back and forth, two more phone calls and okay, it might be a case of they've just run out. She's ordering, will call me when it's in.
Later in the day, I'm running on empty from all the errands and chores and weaving back and forth across town (always in the back of my mind: when am I going to find time to write today?), I get a call from the vet's office. A different person is on the line and just wants to confirm that I really want these meds because it will cost $386.00 for 100 tablets.
Holy Crap and WTF?????
Course, this leads to several more phone calls, plus I have to dig out all my paperwork and receipts to verify--to myself and the vet--that I absolutely did
not pay that amount six months ago.
Sigh. Long story short. The original meds were free, a fact I did not register amongst the other charges that long ago June day, charges that came close to $300 for check-ups, blood work, chest x-rays, blah blah. Apparently, when my vet prescribed the pills, they had a donated bottle and just gave it to me. Which is very cool and I appreciate it. Except, now what? It's been hard enough to buy the other five meds, let alone an additional one that costs more that a car payment on a Porsche.
My vet managed to scrounge up another donated bottle--slightly different ingredients, but whatever--so I'm good for the next six months, but then what? Inquiring minds want to know, as will my bank manager when I have to go in for a loan.
And then Tuesday, I got up, fed the boys and whilst getting ready to take them for a walk, discovered Max--who rarely has health issues--had something wrong with his eye. Another trip to the vet, more meds, more aggro. It never stops, peeps, it just never stops.
Not much else happening up on my mountain at the moment. My main focus is writing, though there's all the daily stuff that needs to be done too, so I'm sort of getting a bit worn out. And I'm pretty sure this will be the last NaNo challenge for me. I can appreciate the crazy-wild intensity of the experience, but frankly, I'd rather write at my own speed and whenever the mood strikes. However, if this
is my last hurrah, then I really want to finish this year's competition by...well, finishing.
I may have lost my motivation, but maybe I can just concentrate on crossing the finish line as my incentive and call it good. Because I'd much rather go out with a win than a whimper...