Because of the imminent
But finally, this afternoon, I think I see the light--no, not that light, though compared to endless work, weeding and digging, I might be ready for that one. I hope to get the last of the wildflowers planted tomorrow morning, then I'm taking a break. Which just means I'll be switching from outside work to the inside chores that I have neglected, never mind, forget I even brought it up.
I'm looking forward to May tomorrow. I've always liked May. It's such a...I don't know, new beginnings kind of month, with Winter pretty much a distant memory and warm, sunny weather ahead.
On May 1st, when I was a really little kid, we used to make these small cones out of construction paper, glue on paper handles, pick any kind of flowers we could find--mostly dandelion and other weeds, I'm sure--then we would run around the neighborhood, hang them on front doorknobs, ring the bell...and run like mad. It was wildly fun.
In the UK they still do May Pole dances and there will be many celebrations for Beltane tomorrow. In Edinburgh, crowds of people climb Arthur's Seat before dawn, waiting to be bathed in the first light of morning. It's a very wonderful pagan ceremony.
Here's a peculiar, though totally cool thing as it turns out.
A few weeks ago I was talking to the BFF and mentioned to her that I thought I had suddenly developed hay fever or an allergy because lately, when I wake up in the mornings, my nose is stuffy and my throat is dry. She laughs and tells me I'm snoring. Huh. As far as I know, only the dogs snore, but I have no way to argue the point since snoring is like that tree in the forest analogy, isn't it.
After we laugh about the various ways I can attempt to hear myself snore, she says I should try those breathing strips you stick on your nose. More laughter as I add the strips to my growing list of reasons why I will have to remain alone for the rest of my days.
Fast forward a bit. I'm grocery shopping and by pure happenstance, end up walking down the aisle with the nose things. I stop, ponder, read the box, then decide to try it. Why not, right? I toss a little box of ten into my cart. Later, I get home and put the box in a drawer in the bathroom and promptly forget all about them.
Until one night I wake up and my nose is so stuffy, I can barely breathe. Light bulb moment. I dig out the strips. And let me say, wow, just totally wow. Instant gratification. I stuck that puppy across the bridge of my nose and immediately I can breathe. It's like I have a brand new nose. One that actually works.
The next morning, not only did I wake up without a clogged nose, but I actually slept really well, which is a miracle in itself since I suffer from
The only defect I've found with this amazing invention: It rips off the top twelve layers of epidermis when it's removed. Still. All things considered? A small price to pay to breathe...