Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Recap

I had a great Christmas, considering for the first time in my life I spent it alone.  No, wait.  Alone makes me seem so...pitiful and sad, and I wasn't.  Let me say instead that I spent a pleasant day by myself with the boys.  There, that's better...and more accurate.

Christmas Day.  And this is the first thing I saw when I opened the blinds to start the day:

Close up...and how cool are those colors.  And the clouds..??  Three different layers, three different types of cloud formation.

I did indeed watch the Thin Man series, though only made it through four of the six.  I got sidetracked here and there during the day with one thing and another, but so loved watching these hilarious and lighthearted movies.  It was a great way to spend Christmas.  Here are a few excerpts, and I know they're corny...that's the simple joy of it.


The Thin Man
Nick (William Powell) and Nora (Myrna Loy), discussing the newspaper articles after Nick was shot solving the murder mystery:

Nick: I'm a hero.  I was shot twice in the Tribune.
Nora: I read you were shot five times in the tabloids.
Nick: That's not true.  He didn't come anywhere near my tabloids.

After the Thin Man
End of the scene, murder solved, Nick and Nora are leaving the building:

Nick: Come on, baby.  Let's go have dinner.  I'm thirsty.

Another Thin Man
Reporters asking Nick about the latest murder:

Reporter: Can't you tell us anything about the case?
Nick: Yes.  It's putting me way behind in my drinking.


Dinner was really good, too.  My roast came out perfect, and yum, so did the gravy.  I am so going to stop eating like this, but until the roast and gravy are gone, it won't be today.  I don't do the New Year Resolution thing--setting yourself up to fail is not something I condone--but I am going to get back into healthy eating and my daily yoga.  I have a lot of changes coming in 2012 and I need to be at the top of my game.

So, my Christmas was fine.  I actually enjoyed being in my own company, and sharing the day with my two stalwart and true boys, Max and Ozzy.  And, of course, solving murders and mysteries with Nick and Nora Charles.  It was a good day.

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