Saturday, September 29, 2012

Follow the Money...

I got an email just a few minutes ago from the Where's George site telling me one of the dollar bills I'd found, registered, and sent on its way again, had been registered by another person.  I quickly went to the site to see where the bill had ended up.

The journey started in Fairbanks, Alaska; I got it as change from a coffee I bought at a drive-thru here in town, where luckily, I noticed it was a George bill.  I went online to see where it had come from, and to register where I found it, then left it at the Visitor's Center, which is right next to the main freeway/highway crossroads leading in four directions.  Now tonight, in Lusby, Maryland, someone else has registered the dollar, having received it as change from a place in Miami, Florida called Shorty's Ribs.  How cool is that?

And here's an odd coincidence: The bill was originally registered on 9/29/2011 in Alaska.  Today it was registered in Maryland...on 9/29/2012.  Weird that it's the same date, one year later.  I left it at the Visitor's Center on June 28th and it got all the way across America in 93 days.  I wish others had noticed the Where's George note printed on the face and registered, too.  I would have really liked to follow the trail after it left me. 

One thing's for certain though, regardless of the route: this little one dollar bill has travelled 4,213 miles, taking 1 year, 11 hours and 8 minutes.   Imagine the pockets, purses, wallets, banks, cash drawers and human hands that have momentarily possessed it.

So, from Alaska to Oregon, Florida to Maryland, and who knows where else in between.  A real journey...and not bad for a wee bit of paper.

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