Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday Stuff...

This morning I was reading about Harry, in America this week for various charity events, and to bring attention to both our soldiers and theirs. I saw a photo of him and burst out laughing.

After my hair debacle from earlier this week, I now realize I don't look like a ten year old boy after all. I look like a 28 year old prince, cut and color an exact match. I'm a bit consoled now...sort of...

My plan for the day, after talking to the BFF for our usual Sunday phone call, is to work on the next installment of the serial. I've had to let that lag over the past couple weeks due to my workload and being too hot to sit at the computer.  Then, last night I had this bizarre thought about one of the characters which was pretty startling.  I'm not sure it's a workable thought, though it would take me onto a whole new plot trail.  Such is my writing style, for good or ill.
Happy Mother's Day as well... 

My sister took this photo when she came to Scotland to visit a few years back.  We drove up into the Highlands and one afternoon we saw these wee twins.  I used to love wandering in the hills during April and May.  The lambs were everywhere, jumping and playing and so, so adorable---

Gotta go, phone's ringing...

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